Contact us for more information about our products and services.
Our experienced picture framers can help you find just what you need and can advise you on our custom framing and printing options.
Our assistants are available between 9am and 5pm on weekdays and 9-2 Saturdays.
We are closed on Sundays and Holidays
Call us on
011 447 7130
011 568 5416
+27 11 447 7130 if you are calling from another country.
For security and training purposes, telephone calls to and from the customer service team may be recorded and monitored.
We love to hear from you. Tell us what you like and what you don't. We listen and take action.
Our postal address:
Postnet Suite #244, Private Bag X31, Saxonwold, 2132

Use the boxes below to send an e-mail to Shelley, Raymond or Stephen.
Your message with attachments can be sent to :
sales at picture framing studio dot co dot za .